Web development with HTML and CSS

web-development-with-html-and-css Development

Become a Web Designer and Developer by Building modern real world responsive WEBSITES using HTML, CSS, SASS and more.

Author: The TechSkills

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Are you looking to start a career in Web development? If yes, HTML, CSS, and UI are must-have skills for your belt. They are the basics of the entire web.

HTML is the markup language used to build websites, CSS is the styling language used to make websites beautiful, and the UI is what you see on your screen.

This course covers all of that from the Complete beginning level, and if you take it seriously, by the end you’ll be conquering HTML, CSS, and UI by building real-world responsive websites (not boring ? websites).


1 — The course is practical (project-based)

After learning HTML and CSS you will be developing a huge unique project just for this course – the fictional car dealer company 7cars.

2 – You will be able to think, design, and build any website that you can imagine

Not only will you learn the theory of HTML and CSS, but you will also apply these skills to create unique real-world projects like the one you saw in the promotional video.

3 – Start a career in web development

Web development is one of the highest-paying industries in the world. Those who think to become a web developer must initially know HTML and CSS.

This is an all-in-one golden package that takes you from 0 on HTML and CSS, to build beautiful modern real-world websites using tools used by professional web developers.

4 – You will progress to other programming languages with greater ease.

Knowing HTML and CSS you will be able to understand languages like Javascript more easily.


  • Beginner developers curious about web design and development
  • Anyone who wants to learn web development from scratch
  • Designers who want to learn HTML and CSS
  • People with a background in HTML and CSS but feel confident to design a good-looking website
  • Beginners and seasoned developers


  • No previous design or programming experience required
  • Willingness to learn
  • Any computer with an internet connection
  • Desire to change your life


  1. Design and code real-world modern websites
  2. Design and code any website that you can imagine
  3. Adapt the website to any type of device using a responsive design
  4. Modern CSS, Sass, and UI
  5. Important and must-have HTML concepts such as paragraphs, headings, images, videos, audio, forms, and tables
  6. Important and must-have CSS concepts such as selectors, solving selector conflicts, box models, colors, paddings, margins, and backgrounds
  7. Design with components
  8. Write clean code
  9. Code debug and fix
  10. Build cool websites with great content also good looking
  11. Website hosting using netlify


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